Lewisville Water Heater Requirements/Codes
The City of Lewisville TX follows the 2006 International Plumbing Code with the following Admendments:
Section 502.3; change to read as follows:
502.3 Water heaters installed in attics. Attics containing a water heater shall be provided . . . {bulk of paragraph unchanged} . . . side of the water heater. The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm), or larger where such dimensions are not large enough to allow removal of the water heater.
Add Section 502.5 to read as follows:
502.5 Water heaters above ground or floor. When the attic, roof, mezzanine or platform in which a water heater is installed is more than eight (8) feet (2438 mm) above the ground or floor level, it shall be made accessible by a stairway or permanent ladder fastened to the building.
502.5.1 Whenever the mezzanine or platform is not adequately lighted or access to an outlet is not obtainable from the main level, lighting and a receptacle outlet shall be provided in accordance with Section 502.3.1
504.6 Requirements for discharge piping. The discharge piping serving a pressure relief valve, temperature relief valve or combination thereof shall:
1. Not be directly connected to the drainage system.
2. Discharge through an air gap.
3. Not be smaller than the diameter of the outlet of the valve served and shall discharge full size to the air gap.
4. Serve a single relief device and shall not connect to piping serving any other relief device or equipment.
Exception: Multiple relief devices may be installed to a single T & P discharge piping system when approved by the administrative authority and permitted by the manufactures installation instructions and installed with those instruction..
5. Discharge to an indirect waste receptor or to the outdoors. Where discharging to the outdoors in areas subject to freezing, discharge piping shall be first piped to an indirect waste receptor through an air gap located in a conditioned area.
6. Discharge in a manner that does not cause personal injury or structural damage.
7. Discharge to a termination point that is readily observable by the building occupants.
8. Not be trapped.
9. Be installed so as to flow by gravity.
10. Not terminate less than 6 inches or more than 24 inches (152 mm) above grade nor more than 6 inches above the waste receptor.
11. Not have a threaded connection at the end of such piping.
12. Not have valves or tee fittings.
13. Be constructed of those materials listed in Section 605.4 or materials tested, rated and approved for such use in accordance with ASME A112.4.1.
624.1.1 Installation requirements. The requirements for water heaters relative to access, sizing, relief valves, drain pans and scald protection shall be in accordance with the International Plumbing Code.
The city of Lewisville TX does not require a water heater pan if the water heater is located in the garage. If the water heater is located on the interior of the home a water heater pan is required. If the existing water heater does not have a drain line run to the outside of the home then, a wags valve is required.
NEW!! Due to recent changes in manufacturer’s specifications, most gas water heaters require a sediment trap on gas line to the water heater.
2006 International Plumbing Code (Chapter 5) – Water Heaters
Section P2801- General
P2801.1 Required. Each dwelling shall have an approved automatic water heater or other type of domestic water-heating system sufficient to supply hot water to plumbing fixtures and appliances intended for bathing, washing or culinary purposes. Storage tanks shall be constructed of noncorrosive metal or shall be lined with noncorrosive material.
P2081.2 Installation. Water heaters shall be installed in accordance with this chapter and chapters 20 and 24.
P2081.3 Location. Water heaters and storage tanks shall be located and connected to provide access for observation, maintenance, servicing and replacement.
P2801.4 Prohibited locations. Water heaters shall be located in accordance with Chapter 20.
P2801.5 Required pan. Where water heaters or hot water storage tanks are installed in locations where leakage of the tanks or connections will cause damage, the tank or water heater shall be installed in a galvanized steel pan having a minimum thichness of 24 gage (0.016 inch) (.04 mm) or other pans for such use. Listed pans shall comply with CSA LC3.
P2801.5.1 Pan size and drain. The pan shall be not less than 1 ½ inches (38 mm) deep and shall be of sufficient size and shape to receive all dripping or condensate from the tank or water heater. The pan shall be drained by an indirect waste pipe having a minimum diameter of ¾ inch (19 mm). Piping for safety pan drains shall be of those materials listed in Table P2904.5.
P2801.5.2 Pan drain termination. The pan drain shall extend full-size and terminate over a suitably located indirect waster receptor or shall extend to the exterior of the building and terminate not less than 6 inches (152 mm) and not more than 24 inches (610 mm) above the adjacent ground surface.
P2801.6 Water heaters installed in garages. Water heaters having an ignition source shall be elevated such that the source of ignition is not less than 18 inches (457 mm) above the garage floor.
P2801.7 Water heater seismic bracing. In Seismic Design Categories Design Categories D0, D1 and D2 and townhouses in Seismic Design Category C, water heaters shall be anchored or strapped in the upper one-third and in the lower one-third of the appliance to resist a horizontal force equal to one-third of the appliance to resist a horizontal force equal to one-third of the appliance to resist a horizontal force equal to one-third of the operating weight of the water heater, acting in any horizontal direction, or in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s recommendations.
Section P2802 Water Heaters Used for Space Heating
P2802.1 Protection of potable water. Piping and components connected to a water heater for space heating applications shall be suitable for use with potable water in accordance with Chapter 29. Water heaters that will be used to supply potable water shall not be connected to a heating system or components previously used with nonpotable-water heating appliances. Chemicals for boiler treatment shall not be introduced into the water heater.
P2802.2 Temperature control. Where a combination water heater-space heating system requires water for space heating at temperatures exceeding 140°F (60°C), a master thermostatic mixing valve complying with ASSE 1017 shall be installed to temper the water to a temperature of 140°F (60°C), a master thermostatic mixing valve complying with ASSE 1017 shall be installed to temper the water to a temperature of 140°F (60°C) or less for domestic uses.
Section P2803 – Relief Valves
P2803.1 Relief valves required. Appliances and equipment used for heating water or storing hot water shall be protected by:
1. A separate pressure-relief valve and a separate temperature-relief valve; or
2. A combination pressure- and temperature-relief valve.
P2803.2 Rating. Relief valves shall have a minimum rated capacity for the equipment served and shall conform to ANSI Z 21.22.
P2803.3 Pressure relief valves. Pressure-relief valves shall have a relief rating adequate to meet the pressure conditions for the appliances or equipment protected. In tanks, they shall be installed directly into a tank tapping or in a water line close to the tank. They shall be set to open at least 25 psi (172 kPa) above the system pressure but not over 150 psi (1034 kPa). The relief-valve setting shall not exceed the tanks rated working pressure.
P2803.4 Temperature relief valves. Temperature-relief valves shall have a relief rating compatible with the temperature conditions of the appliances or equipment protected. The valves shall be installed such that the temperature-sensing element monitors the water within the top 6 inches (152 mm) of the tank. The valve shall be set to open at a maximum temperature of 210°F (99°C).
P2803.5 Combination pressure-/temperature-relief valves. Combination pressure-/temperature-relief valves shall comply with all the requirements for separate pressure- and temperature-relief valves.
P2803.6 Installation of relief valves. A check or shutoff valve shall not be installed int the following locations:
1. Between a relief valve and the termination point of the relief valve discharge pipe;
2. Between a relief valve and a tank
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Lewisville Water Heater Requirements/Codes The City of Lewisville TX follows the 2006 International Plumbing Code with the following Admendments: Section 502.3; change to read as follows: 502.3 Water heaters installed in attics. Attics containing a water heater shall be provided . . . {bulk of paragraph unchanged} . . . side of the water heater. The clear...
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